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如你所願麼 · Nothing - Are you satisfied

2016 Hong Kong  Interactive Installation|Paper, lighted frame  23.5 x 32.5 cm

On the front, an upturned sentence “There is nothing on the back” is printed.

It’s light-colored as if it’s printed on the back.

Also, the work is half framed in the lightbox to invite people to flip over and look.

Yet, when it’s flipped over, they would realize the front is telling the truth.


People are usually not satisfied with surfaces. They want the back story.

Thanks to this curiosity, interaction keeps going, the work stays alive.


Even though the thing itself may be merely a piece of junk,

as long as it hooks someone up,

it wins, — the other lose.


I invite you to ask yourself:

Are you satisfied: with what you see? with what you become as you see?

© Copyright 2016 by JIN

What is concealed will be revealed.

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