Isola Impression
2018 Italy|Paper, Carbon paper, post cards
Isola Impression: 26.2 x 31.2 cm | Production process & Postcards: 29.7 x 42 cm
"Teach me 3 Italian words that are important to you", I asked people in town.
I’m the sheet of blank paper, placed into a new culture.
The white postcards are the people.
What they teach is transferred to me through the carbon paper.
The result?
Something beyond language, something universal, something human.
Love, friendship, family, trust, respect...
They’re human beings, just like me.
Longing for love, weeping for the loss.
到達義大利一星期後,我請在Isola小鎮遇見的人教我 3 個對他們最重要的義大利語單詞。
互動的結果不僅成為我 的作品《小鎮印象》,而是出乎意料的深觸我心。