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客家的愛 · Hakka love
2018 Taiwan | Canvas 33 x 45.5 cm
The word【Love】, the most familiar, but least heard.
The most defined, but least understood.
Hakka people annotated the true meaning and richness of love
through their very avoidance of saying the word.
In this piece, the written words represent the heart language.
The Hakka phonetic notations represent the spoken language.
I Love (Ngài Siak): I treasure
We Love (Pí-chhü Siông-siak): We treasure each other.
God Loves (Song Ti Thung-siak): The compassionate God so treasures
His creation with His heart broken for it.
‘愛’字, 最耳熟也最少聽到的字,最簡單也最複雜的字。 客家人不說‘愛’,客家話卻詮釋了愛豐富的內涵。
作品中, 文字象徵心裡要表達的意思, 拼音象徵口裡實際說出的話。 惜 (Siak),相惜 (Siông-siak),痛惜 (Thung-siak),心口不一, 卻道出了區區一個「愛」字所無法承載的層次和深意。

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