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Reflection on poverty 2019

作家相片: JinJin

/ 6th Yunnan trip

Another reflection on poverty. 2016 | The priceable cannot cause true poverty. The lack of love, trust, self-esteem, etc starves us much more than the lack of food. We suffer not the unawareness of what’s important, but the great exhaustion of failing to invest well in each dimension of life, the powerlessness of “no choice”.

2017 | Poverty is owning the God-given powers yet still feeling extremely powerless emotionally and spiritually. Ownership doesn’t make us rich, taking possession of what we own does.

2018 | The absence of healthy love experience breeds much brokenness that leads to bad choices in life out of “I have no choice”. Such poverty cannot be alleviated with material help.

This year, we arrived with no material supplies, only creative skills.

The stunning beauty of nature contrasts with the great poverty and inner brokenness of the people. Yet, the land is alive and the mountains are breathing because of them. Could there be profound richness just beneath the skin dressed in dirt? Could there be thousands of words concealed in silence? Could there be stunning beauty and abundance hidden inside the hearts?

Indeed, something is broken. It’s the road on which love and emotions travel. Those who suffer poverty are stuck on one side of the road, struggling just to be understood.

Richness is not a luxury add-on, it’s generated from within, from a place where was once broken and barren. If God can lift me out of my poverty and free me to feel and to love, richly. Can our arts inspire the people in the mountains to see beauty not in what’s beautiful, but in brokenness? Can our creative nature awaken them to their richness within?

For the first time, through “Finding beauty in brokenness” photography sharing, a farmer can communicate visually the profound meaning of a melon seed —— which is of no value in the eyes of the city people —— the hope of next year’s harvest, the hope of God’s harvest among his own people.

For the first time, through the “icon board”, the school children can ASK for a hug from their teacher, in a culture that dismisses psychical touch and expressions of love in general. Being enabled to receive love, the unspeakable joy blooms on the little faces. For the first time, the school teacher realises how much he is needed and how his ability to give hugs makes him unbelievably rich.

True richness cannot be materialised or priced.

How much does a hug cost? If I can name a price, that would be the children’s collective happiness compressed in that one priceless moment. It would be the ongoing happiness of hundreds of children, for the road is now fixed, love and emotions can finally travel both directions. The children and the teacher can start to speak the same language of love.

How would you price one melon seed? I have cut open countless melons, I have never seen what the farmer brother had seen. Yesterday, I opened anther melon at home, I can never unsee what I have been shown. I will forever be reminded of how to find hope in the least expected places. The richness we uncovered comes back to enrich us. How much is hope worth, that’s how much this melon seed is worth to me.

Such is the power of an idea. Such is the power of the arts in alleviating poverty. Such is the mission of Christ on earth.



© Copyright 2016 by JIN

What is concealed will be revealed.

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